Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ain't Nothing Like the real Thing in the hearts of collectors

Hello and happy holidays to one and all,
  Well the title of this blog says it all and needs no explanation to most collectors.  But the question is why? Why is an original item so important to collectors ,why not a picture or photo- copy, of that 1859 company bill-head ,or a facsimile of that vintage document, a reproduction of that antique toy.  What most collectors answer is , if you don't know then I can't explain it to you because you will never understand. For some perhaps many of of us the the real answer is we see and feel things about the items we collect that others can not see and we often times do not take the time to explain , or we simply lack the words. I have been a collector and dealer of collectibles and ephemera and books for most of my life and I learned that if I could show people what I see, through my own enthusiasm , my own joy, then sometimes I could cast a light on the real reason we collectors collect. That whatever original item I own was in a sense alive with the history that is had gone though , that in some way the item connected me with the past. There is no greater joy for me as a dealer to past on to a collector an item that I know they will cherish, because as a collector I know what it feels like to find an that item and I can see through their eyes and feel with their heart. Collecting is as natural to most humans as breathing  we, just do our  collecting in different ways , some collect money both literally and as a collectible, some collect technology , some collect history or bits of the past . So what it boils down  to is joy,  happiness. Why does the original matter? Because it makes me happy , because it brings me joy.  So as the man said "Collect what you love and Love what you collect". And take the time to share as much of that as you can  with ones who have not experienced  the joy collecting. The time taken to do so is time well spent.
Come by the shop any time for a chat and have a look around you never know what you might find.
Peace ,
Stephen the owner of


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